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Kristin and Peter's Piedmont Park Wedding

I was talking with Kristin a few days ago, and realized that in the crazy shuffle of the past 6 months, I hadn't shared their wedding day photos with you guys on my site/blog. WHAAA?!

Basically their wedding plans went to shit when Hurricane Matthew decided to blow through Savannah this fall. They are both in the military (and pretty bad-ass), so they'd been planning a destination wedding in Savannah for almost a year to get all of their friends and family together in one place. Everyone had their calendars marked for leave, so when their venue in Savannah had to close it's doors, they made an executive decision (mind you, 24 HOURS BEFORE THEIR WEDDING) to move their celebration to Atlanta. They had to find all new vendors except for me and Design Studio South. Kristin's tribe rallied around her and found her an amazing new venue, a florist that BLEW OUR MINDS, a DJ, food, decor... they pulled off an incredible party in less than 24 hours. 

While we are all heartbroken for their Savannah wedding, it is so fun to look back and see both Kristin and Peter so calm and happy and in love on their wedding day. At the end of the day (and the beginning and middle), that's what is most important.