ember sessions by m.newsom photography and hazel and scout

Ember Sessions with Hazel and Scout

Traveling womens photo sessions

Styled Womens Photography Sessions

Styled photo sessions with Chelsea Tubbs and Meghan Newsom

I am so excited to have finally launched something I've been dreaming up for women for the past year. Ember Sessions!! These are designed to be a portrait experience for women-young and old- to awaken their inner beauty and to remind women of just how valuable they are. It is my hope that these portrait experiences will be a safe place for women, that they will provide women with an experience they can always remember, and that they can look back on their images and be reminded of what beauty and purpose they bring into the world.We hope to awaken the tiny embers that have been smoldering in your hearts and souls and fan them into a flame. That you can have the confidence to reach for the things you dream of, that you know how important your gifts are to this world, and that you recognize that your imperfections are what make you perfect.

These sessions are not boudoir. They don't have to be in your skivvies.. you can be in your jeans and your favorite t-shirt. You can wear your favorite sweat suit! Whatever you feel beautiful in is what you should be photographed in! We want to be able to use the medium and connection that photography brings to awaken your soul. To set your heart on fire to burn for the things that you are passionate about. 

Huntsville Ember Sessions

Ember Session
Ember Session

To book your ember session, the entire amount must be paid in full to schedule your time. This allows us to focus solely on YOU the day of your session, without signing of contracts, paying of fees or awkward silences:). The fee covers your hour session (which includes use of a local boutique's gowns, wardrobe styling, use of a herbal crown, five high-res images, 30 minutes shoot time, snacks, mimosas, an online instaproofs gallery of all your high-res edited images and a surprise from us!). After your purchase you will be asked to fill out a little questionnaire that helps us get to know you a bit better along with signing of the photography contract. Please e mail us at emberphotosession@gmail.com with any questions! 

$150 for disc with all (70+) edited and high-resolution images plus print release. 

Ember Session

To book your ember session, the entire amount must be paid in full to schedule your time. This allows us to focus solely on YOU the day of your session, without signing of contracts, paying of fees or awkward silences:). The fee covers your hour session (which includes use of a local boutique's gowns, wardrobe styling, use of a herbal crown, five high-res images, 30 minutes shoot time, snacks, mimosas, an online instaproofs gallery of all your high-res edited images and a surprise from us!). After your purchase you will be asked to fill out a little questionnaire that helps us get to know you a bit better along with signing of the photography contract. Please e mail us at emberphotosession@gmail.com with any questions! 

$150 for disc with all (70+) edited and high-resolution images plus print release.